Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Valuable Life Lesson

You learn a lot from your kids. Hazel taught me a good life lesson this weekend, which I will now impart to you:

When living with a 3 year old, one can no longer assume the water cup that sits on the bathroom sink doesn't have liquid soap in it.

When I recovered from my gagging, retching, and coughing, we had a conversation that went like this:

ME: Did you put soap in this cup?!
ME: Hazel, I just drank that!

Hazel looked at me for a moment, confused. Then,

HAZEL: Why did you do that?

Monday, October 29, 2012

10 Weeks Old

 Other than some reflux issues, he's a remarkably chill baby. 

We all went down to San Diego last weekend for the Challenged Athletes' Foundation's annual triathalon. I got tired just watching, but it was fun. Especially the kids' area, where they had a mechanical surfboard.

 Also, we're all looking forward to Halloween. This will be Hazel's first year trick-or-treating, and she informed us in no uncertain terms that she wanted to be a pirate...
...but of course now that we've put the costume together, she wants to be a ghost. Or a monster. It changes by the minute. I'm guessing she lands on "The Ghost of a Monster Pirate" by Wednesday.

That's it from here! We hope all of our friends and loved ones on the East Coast are safe and sound.  We're sending good California vibes your way!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Almost six weeks old!

(And no new blog posts from Alec's terrible, terrible father...)

Here are some pictures from Alec's first bath. (Please note that said bath happened a long time ago. It's not like we just washed the kid for the first time yesterday.) Alec is growing, Hazel is doing well (though both have the sniffles right now) and we're having a lot of fun with Grandma and Grandpa, who are visiting us here in sunny (and very warm) Burbank.

I tried to upload a video of Alec's first bottle, but the stupid thing is upside-down, and I can't figure out how to rotate a video. (It's much easier with photos...) So, that one will not be posted until technical difficulties are figured out. 

That's it for now!


Friday, August 17, 2012

He's here!

Alec William Pearson was born at 2:27pm on August 15th at Good Samaritan Hospital in downtown Los Angeles. He weighed 7 and a half pounds. The birth itself was very easy. (For me, anyway. I imagine it was more difficult for Elise, but I haven't gotten around to asking her yet. I'm sure she's fine...)

In all seriousness, Elise was amazing. The doctor and nurses commented on how good she was at giving birth. Which is kind of weird, but nice I suppose.

Hazel is doing great as a big sister, with occasional flashes of "Wait, who is this person and why do you guys seem to like him so much?" Lucky for us we had my mom and sister in town, which Hazel has really appreciated. (And so have we!)

Kate left today, but Mom's here for another week, and Dad gets in tomorrow. More pictures soon.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hey, everybody! Since we're most likely going to have our second kid this month, I thought it was a good idea to start a new baby blog. We'll be posting photos here for several reasons, not the least of which is that it will keep my mom from hounding me daily for pictures. (Actually, my mom's coming out to L.A. in a couple of weeks, to help out when the new kid gets here. Hooray, Mom!)

As of now, nothing to report. Elise is all belly, which is kind of awesome.
And Hazel is getting used to the idea of having a little brother. (And also getting used to the idea that we will NOT be taking her advice and naming him "Table Giraffe Pearson.") We still haven't settled on a name, but while he's in utero we're calling him "Boba," after the delicious milk tea treat. Some of you may remember we called Hazel "Mochi" until she got here.

Anyway, no promises on keeping this thing up to date. I expect to be busy soon, and blogs for second kids tend to fall by the wayside. (Unless you're Allen and Elaine, but they're awesome.)

More later!